Celebration 1979-1980

Hello. My name is Paul Montgomery. I'm the guy out front here singing my lungs out. And in the back is (or was) the Celebration Vocal Jazz Choir of Bellevue Community College 1979 - 1980, led by Harley Brumbaugh. Often you might hear entertainers and musicians use the word "magic" or "chemistry". It's a way to describe what happens when you get the right combination of people together to create art. Celebration had it.

I only have a few pictures of that group. In those days we took "photographs". And it seems that the only photographs that I have of this group had me in front. Imagine that.

Here we have Craig Flory and me rockin' out. I'm not sure if we were there for energy of comedy relief. Anyway, Harley really let me get away with a lot.